Units Converter - Hertz, Feet per second, Mph, Gal


It is science that studies the properties of matter and energy , nature and its phenomena in its most general aspects.

It seeks to describe, explain and generate understanding of the events that surround us , from simple events such as the acceleration of a body to universal and quantum events. With the aid of logic, mathematics and the scientific method, physics is able to model nature and generate understanding.

The application of physics for human benefit has contributed in an invaluable way to the development of all technology from the automobile to quantum computers.

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Some areas of Physics

Physics is a very vast science that is subdivided into different areas. The first split bipart physics into: Classical Physics and Modern Physics. In Classical Physics we have phenomena that occur on very large scales (macroscopic), such as movement of stars and projectiles, operation of thermal machines, acoustics, classical electrodynamics, hydrostatics, electrostatics, etc.

In Modern Physics we have microscopic phenomena, which occur on tiny scales (subatomic), smaller than nanometers. Modern physics is also attributed to the study of bodies that move at relativistic speeds, that is, close to the speed of light. In this way, phenomena such as photoelectric effect, radioactive decay, nuclear fissions and fusions, etc., were explained.

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