Online Length Converter

How to use the converter

To convert centimeter to meter, enter the value in the field below and select the target unit, the value will be displayed below:

Decimal places:


Conversion Tables

Kilometer (km)
Meter (m)
Decimeter (dm)
Centimeter (cm)
Millimeter (mm)
Micrometer (µm)
Nanometer (nm)
Angstrom (Å)
Parsec (pc)
Astronomical unit (AU)
Mile (mi)
Rod (rd)
Yard (yd)
Foot (ft)
Inch (in)
Thousandth (mil)
Thou (thou)
Nautical mile

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What is Length?

In physics, length is a physical quantity that quantifies the distance between two objects, points, etc. In general, there is a distinction between height (when referring to vertical length) and width (when referring to horizontal length). Also in physics and engineering, word length is synonymous with distance and is often represented by the symbol L.

Length is generally considered one of the fundamental physical quantities; therefore, it cannot be defined by other measurable quantities. But the length is not a property of any object, because according to special relativity (Albert Einstein; 1905), the same object can be measured and different results are found depending on the observers.

Length is a one-dimensional measurement, area is a two-dimensional measurement (length squared), and volume is a three-dimensional measurement (length cubed). In many measurement systems, length is a base unit from which other units are derived.

What are the units of length?

There are different units of measure used to measure length, and others so old that they are no longer used. During its history, human beings have sought different ways of measuring length: parts of the human body (such as the hand and foot), the distance covered by steps, the distance between points or objects and also known points on Earth.

The basic unit of defined length is the meter, this was chosen by the SI (International System of Units). Centimeters and kilometers are derived from meters and are commonly used units on a daily basis.

We use AU, light-years, and parsecs to express very large distances in space (astronomy). On the other hand, units used to measure very small distances, such as in the chemical or atomic domains, include micrometers, angstroms, Planck length, and Bohr radius.

How to perform length unit conversions?

Converting Length Units

Refer to the table above to perform your conversions. To convert larger units such as kilometers (km) to smaller ones, we must perform successive multiplications by 10 until we reach the target unit. To convert smaller units such as millimeters (mm) to larger ones, we must perform successive divisions by 10 until we reach the target unit.

Links to other conversions involving units of length