Convert Gal to Foot per Second Squared

How to use the tool

To convert gal to fts2 enter the value in the field below, the value will be displayed below:

Decimal places:


Conversion Tables

Gravity acceleration
unit-g (g)
Standard gravity g
Standard gravity
Meters per second squared (m/s²)
Feet per second squared (ft/s²)

How to perform key conversions involving length measurements

The formulas for conversion are represented below:

Gal formula for ft/s²

ft/s² = Gal / 0.0328083333

Example: 30 Gal in ft/s²:

ft/s² = Gal / 0.0328083333

ft/s² = 30 / 0.0328083333

ft/s² = 9.8425x10-1

Formula from ft/s² to Gal

Gal = ft/s² * 0.0328083333

Example: 20 ft/s² in Gal:

Gal = ft/s² * 0.0328083333

Gal = 20 * 0.0328083333

Gal = 6.09601x102

Frequently asked questions involving length and distance

100 Gal equals how many ft/s²

If for every 1 Gal we have 0.0328083333 ft/s², just multiply the amount of Gal (100) by 0.0328083333, so you will obtain that 100 Gal equals 3.28083 ft/s². Observe the calculation below:

ft/s² = Gal * 0.0328083333

ft/s² = 100 * 0.0328083333

ft/s² = 3.28083

100 ft/s² equals how many Gals?

If every 0.0328083333 ft/s² we have 1 Gal, just divide the amount of ft/s² (100) by 0.0328083333, so you will get that 100 ft/s² equals 3.04801x103Gal. Observe the calculation below:

Gal = ft/s² / 0.0328083333

Gal = 100 / 0.0328083333

Gal = 3.04801x103

Conversion to other units