Convert Days to Hours

How to use the converter

To convert Days to Hours enter the value in the field below, the result will be displayed below:

Decimal places:



Conversion Tables


How to perform the main conversions involving time measurements

The conversion formulas are shown below:

Days to Hours

hours = days * 24

Example: 1 dia to hours:

hours = days * 24

hours = 1 * 24

hours = 24

Hours to Days

days = hours / 24

Example: 72 hours to days:

days = hours / 24

days = 72 / 24

days = 3

Frequently asked questions involving time

1 day has how many hours?

Um dia tem 24 hours. Observe the calculation below:

hours = 1 (dia) * 24 (hours)

hours = 24

How to transform 2 Days in Hours?

If every day we have 24 hours, just multiply 3 days by 24, so you will get 2 days are equivalent to 48 hours. Observe the calculation below:

hours = days * 24

hours = 2 * 24

hours = 48

How to transform 5 Days in Hours?

If every day we have 24 hours, just multiply 5 days by 24, so you will get 5 days are equivalent to 120 hours. Observe the calculation below:

hours = days * 24

hours = 5 * 24

hours = 120

7 days has how many hours?

Considering that every day has 24 hours, you can use a rule of three to get that 7 days is equivalent to 168 hours .

 1 dia - 24 hours

7 days- x hours

Apply the rule of three and get:

x = 7 * 24

x = 168 hours

Links to other conversions involving units of time

On the website you will find pages about how to convert 30 days to hours, 365 days to hours, we also provide other pages with conversion examples and answered questions. Check out the links below!