Percentage Calculator

What is Percentage?

Percentage, describes the calculation required to obtain of the proportion between the total quantity and its parts. The forms used for the representation are: percentage form, fractional form and decimal form.

Below are some calculators that can help you get percentage results:

How much is

Example: What is 30% of 450?
Answer: 135
The value
is what percentage of

Example: The value 1025 represents how many percent of 4250?
Answer: 24.12%
The value
increased to
growth of

Example: The value 57 increased to 98, what is the percentage of growth?
Answer: 71.93%
The value
increased (increase)

Example: The value 33 increased by 66%, what is the final value?
Answer: 54.78%
The value
decreased (discount)

Example: A product that costs $570.00 had a 15% discount, what is the final value of this item?
Answer: $484.50
Initial value
Final value

Example: The value 45 was changed to 77, what was the percentage change?
Answer: 71.11%
I paid
with discount of
the original value

Example: I paid $445 for a product that was 30% off, what was the original value of the item?
Answer: $635.71
How much to sell an item for
to make a profit of
Sell the item for

Example: I bought an item for $50, how much should I sell it for to get a 7% profit?
Answer: $53.76

How to calculate discount on an item

The formula for calculating a discount percentage is represented by:

discount item = item value * (1 - (Discount%/100))

Example: An item that costs R$360.00 received a 22% discount.
Calculate the final value of the product.

discounted item = $360.00 * (1 - (22/100))

discounted item = $360.00 * (1 - 0.22)

$280.80 = $360.00 * 0.78

How to calculate markup on an item

The formula for calculating a discount percentage is represented by:

item with increment = item value * (1 + (Increment%/100))

Example: When paying by card, an item costing R$75.00 received a 5% surcharge.
Calculate the final value of the product.

item with addition = $75.00 * (1 + (5/100))

item with addition = $75.00 * (1 + 0.05)

$78.75 = $75.00 * 1.05

How to calculate the percentage on top of value

The formula for calculating a percentage is presented below:

final value = initial value * (percentage%/100))

Example: How much is 35% of 1000.

final value = 1000 * (35/100))

final value = 1000 * 0.35

final value = 350