Philippine Peso to US Dollar (PHP to USD)

Convert PHP to USD

Use our tool to consult the value of the Philippine Peso, convert the Philippine Peso to US dollar.

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Decimal places:

Quotes provided by Awesome API on October 22, 2024.

Graph with 30 days of Philippine Peso quotes

Philippine Peso Rate

The value of the Philippine Peso Rate today is $0.02

Philippine Peso Quotations Table

Date US Dollar Philippine Peso
22/10/20240.0173 USD 1.00 PHP
21/10/20240.0174 USD 1.00 PHP
20/10/20240.0174 USD 1.00 PHP
19/10/20240.0174 USD 1.00 PHP
18/10/20240.0174 USD 1.00 PHP
17/10/20240.0172 USD 1.00 PHP
16/10/20240.0172 USD 1.00 PHP
15/10/20240.0171 USD 1.00 PHP
14/10/20240.0171 USD 1.00 PHP
13/10/20240.0172 USD 1.00 PHP
12/10/20240.0172 USD 1.00 PHP
11/10/20240.0173 USD 1.00 PHP
10/10/20240.0171 USD 1.00 PHP
29/9/20240.0171 USD 1.00 PHP
28/9/20240.0171 USD 1.00 PHP

About the Philippine Peso

The official currency of the Philippines is the Philippine Peso, commonly abbreviated as PHP or FPH. It is divided into 100 cents. Currency has a long and complicated history, with many different coins and notes issued over the years. Currently, there are notes of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1000 Philippine pesos and coins of 1, 5, 10 and 25 cents and 1 peso.

The Philippine Peso was originally created in 1852 with the arrival of Americans in the Philippines. It was based on the existing Spanish currency system, but was later modified to follow the American gold standard. During the Japanese occupation of the Philippines during World War II, banknotes issued by the Japanese came to be used as official currency, but were replaced by the Philippine peso after the war.

Since then, the Philippine peso has been relatively stable, but it has faced inflationary pressure over the years. The Central Bank of the Philippines has been implementing measures to control inflation, such as raising interest rates and implementing tight monetary policies. However, the Philippines still faces economic challenges such as a growing trade deficit and high public debt.

How we get quotes

The values are obtained through the API of the Central Bank of Brazil, which provides the opening quotation of the day from 10:00 am, and after that intermediate values are available at 11:00 am, 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm. After 1 pm, the BCB closes with the PTAX quotation, which is the arithmetic average of all the rates of the day, as it is a reference value and is not used in Convertpedia.

Philippine Peso to US Dollar

Philippine Peso US Dollar
0.10 PHP 0.002 USD
0.20 PHP 0.003 USD
0.30 PHP 0.005 USD
0.40 PHP 0.007 USD
0.50 PHP 0.009 USD
0.60 PHP 0.010 USD
0.70 PHP 0.012 USD
0.80 PHP 0.014 USD
0.90 PHP 0.016 USD
1.00 PHP 0.02 USD
2.00 PHP 0.03 USD
3.00 PHP 0.05 USD
4.00 PHP 0.07 USD
5.00 PHP 0.09 USD
6.00 PHP 0.10 USD
7.00 PHP 0.12 USD
8.00 PHP 0.14 USD
9.00 PHP 0.16 USD
10.00 PHP 0.17 USD
20.00 PHP 0.35 USD
30.00 PHP 0.52 USD
40.00 PHP 0.69 USD
50.00 PHP 0.87 USD
60.00 PHP 1.04 USD
70.00 PHP 1.21 USD
80.00 PHP 1.38 USD
90.00 PHP 1.56 USD
100.00 PHP 1.73 USD

US Dollar to Philippine Peso

US Dollar Philippine Peso
0.10 USD 5.78 PHP
0.20 USD 11.56 PHP
0.30 USD 17.33 PHP
0.40 USD 23.11 PHP
0.50 USD 28.89 PHP
0.60 USD 34.67 PHP
0.70 USD 40.45 PHP
0.80 USD 46.22 PHP
0.90 USD 52.00 PHP
1.00 USD 57.78 PHP
2.00 USD 115.56 PHP
3.00 USD 173.34 PHP
4.00 USD 231.12 PHP
5.00 USD 288.89 PHP
6.00 USD 346.67 PHP
7.00 USD 404.45 PHP
8.00 USD 462.23 PHP
9.00 USD 520.01 PHP
10.00 USD 577.79 PHP
20.00 USD 1,155.58 PHP
30.00 USD 1,733.37 PHP
40.00 USD 2,311.15 PHP
50.00 USD 2,888.94 PHP
60.00 USD 3,466.73 PHP
70.00 USD 4,044.52 PHP
80.00 USD 4,622.31 PHP
90.00 USD 5,200.10 PHP
100.00 USD 5,777.89 PHP

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