Use our tool to consult the value of the Australian dollar, convert the Australian dollar to US dollar.
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The value of the Australian Dollar Rate today is $0.64
Date | US Dollar | Australian Dollar |
21/2/2025 | 0.6374 USD | 1.00 AUD |
20/2/2025 | 0.6379 USD | 1.00 AUD |
19/2/2025 | 0.6350 USD | 1.00 AUD |
18/2/2025 | 0.6331 USD | 1.00 AUD |
17/2/2025 | 0.6382 USD | 1.00 AUD |
14/2/2025 | 0.6393 USD | 1.00 AUD |
13/2/2025 | 0.6367 USD | 1.00 AUD |
12/2/2025 | 0.6349 USD | 1.00 AUD |
11/2/2025 | 0.6362 USD | 1.00 AUD |
10/2/2025 | 0.6376 USD | 1.00 AUD |
7/2/2025 | 0.6336 USD | 1.00 AUD |
6/2/2025 | 0.6362 USD | 1.00 AUD |
5/2/2025 | 0.6384 USD | 1.00 AUD |
4/2/2025 | 0.6317 USD | 1.00 AUD |
3/2/2025 | 0.6337 USD | 1.00 AUD |
The Australian dollar (code: AUD, spelled A$, AU$, $A or $AU) is the official commonwealth currency of the Commonwealth of Australia including the Antarctic territories of Australia Christma Island (Brazilian Portuguese), Cocos Islands ( Keeling), Heard Islet and McDonald Islands and Norfolk Island, as well as the independent islands of Kiribati and Tuvalu in the Pacific Ocean. Also known as the Aussie Battler, for a brief period from 2001 to 2002, the currency was known locally as the Pacific Peso. It is divided into 100 cents, usually converted to cents.
The Australian dollar is the eighth most used currency in foreign trade (behind the US dollar, yen, euro, British pound and Canadian dollar) and accounts for approximately 4-5% of overseas transactions.
The Australian dollar is popular with foreign exchange traders due to the lack of government intervention in the foreign market, the general stability of the economy and government, and is believed to offer diversification benefits in a portfolio containing the largest currencies on the planet ( for example, greater exposure to Asian economies and the commodity cycle.
The values are obtained through the API of the Central Bank of Brazil, which provides the opening quotation of the day from 10:00 am, and after that intermediate values are available at 11:00 am, 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm. After 1 pm, the BCB closes with the PTAX quotation, which is the arithmetic average of all the rates of the day, as it is a reference value and is not used in Convertpedia.
Australian Dollar | US Dollar |
0.10 AUD | 0.06 USD |
0.20 AUD | 0.13 USD |
0.30 AUD | 0.19 USD |
0.40 AUD | 0.25 USD |
0.50 AUD | 0.32 USD |
0.60 AUD | 0.38 USD |
0.70 AUD | 0.45 USD |
0.80 AUD | 0.51 USD |
0.90 AUD | 0.57 USD |
1.00 AUD | 0.64 USD |
2.00 AUD | 1.27 USD |
3.00 AUD | 1.91 USD |
4.00 AUD | 2.55 USD |
5.00 AUD | 3.19 USD |
6.00 AUD | 3.82 USD |
7.00 AUD | 4.46 USD |
8.00 AUD | 5.10 USD |
9.00 AUD | 5.74 USD |
10.00 AUD | 6.37 USD |
20.00 AUD | 12.75 USD |
30.00 AUD | 19.12 USD |
40.00 AUD | 25.50 USD |
50.00 AUD | 31.87 USD |
60.00 AUD | 38.24 USD |
70.00 AUD | 44.62 USD |
80.00 AUD | 50.99 USD |
90.00 AUD | 57.37 USD |
100.00 AUD | 63.74 USD |
US Dollar | Australian Dollar |
0.10 USD | 0.16 AUD |
0.20 USD | 0.31 AUD |
0.30 USD | 0.47 AUD |
0.40 USD | 0.63 AUD |
0.50 USD | 0.78 AUD |
0.60 USD | 0.94 AUD |
0.70 USD | 1.10 AUD |
0.80 USD | 1.26 AUD |
0.90 USD | 1.41 AUD |
1.00 USD | 1.57 AUD |
2.00 USD | 3.14 AUD |
3.00 USD | 4.71 AUD |
4.00 USD | 6.28 AUD |
5.00 USD | 7.84 AUD |
6.00 USD | 9.41 AUD |
7.00 USD | 10.98 AUD |
8.00 USD | 12.55 AUD |
9.00 USD | 14.12 AUD |
10.00 USD | 15.69 AUD |
20.00 USD | 31.38 AUD |
30.00 USD | 47.07 AUD |
40.00 USD | 62.75 AUD |
50.00 USD | 78.44 AUD |
60.00 USD | 94.13 AUD |
70.00 USD | 109.82 AUD |
80.00 USD | 125.51 AUD |
90.00 USD | 141.20 AUD |
100.00 USD | 156.89 AUD |
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