Use our tool to consult the value of the Argentine Peso, convert the Argentine Peso to US dollar.
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The value of the Argentine Peso Rate today is $0.0009
Date | US Dollar | Argentine Peso |
23/2/2025 | 0.0009 USD | 1.00 ARS |
22/2/2025 | 0.0009 USD | 1.00 ARS |
21/2/2025 | 0.0009 USD | 1.00 ARS |
20/2/2025 | 0.0009 USD | 1.00 ARS |
19/2/2025 | 0.0009 USD | 1.00 ARS |
18/2/2025 | 0.0009 USD | 1.00 ARS |
17/2/2025 | 0.0009 USD | 1.00 ARS |
16/2/2025 | 0.0009 USD | 1.00 ARS |
15/2/2025 | 0.0009 USD | 1.00 ARS |
14/2/2025 | 0.0009 USD | 1.00 ARS |
13/2/2025 | 0.0010 USD | 1.00 ARS |
12/2/2025 | 0.0010 USD | 1.00 ARS |
11/2/2025 | 0.0010 USD | 1.00 ARS |
10/2/2025 | 0.0010 USD | 1.00 ARS |
9/2/2025 | 0.0010 USD | 1.00 ARS |
The official currency of Argentina is the Argentine peso (ARS). The Argentine peso was originally introduced in 1826, but has been frequently revalued and readjusted over the years due to inflation and economic downturns. In 1991, the Argentine government introduced a new Argentine peso, which was fixed at the rate of 1 new peso to 1,000 old pesos.
The Argentine economy has been experiencing difficulties in recent years, which has affected the stability of the Argentine peso. Inflation has been a persistent problem in Argentina, and the government has taken steps to try to control it, such as raising interest rates and implementing price controls. However, these measures have not been enough to stabilize the economy and the Argentine peso has faced significant devaluation.
In terms of its relationship to other currencies, the Argentine peso has depreciated significantly against the US dollar in recent years. This has affected the Argentine economy in several ways, such as making imports more expensive and making it difficult to access international loans. In addition, the devaluation of the Argentine peso has affected the purchasing power of the Argentine population.
The values are obtained through the API of the Central Bank of Brazil, which provides the opening quotation of the day from 10:00 am, and after that intermediate values are available at 11:00 am, 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm. After 1 pm, the BCB closes with the PTAX quotation, which is the arithmetic average of all the rates of the day, as it is a reference value and is not used in Convertpedia.
Argentine Peso | US Dollar |
0.10 ARS | 0.000 USD |
0.20 ARS | 0.000 USD |
0.30 ARS | 0.000 USD |
0.40 ARS | 0.000 USD |
0.50 ARS | 0.000 USD |
0.60 ARS | 0.001 USD |
0.70 ARS | 0.001 USD |
0.80 ARS | 0.001 USD |
0.90 ARS | 0.001 USD |
1.00 ARS | 0.00 USD |
2.00 ARS | 0.00 USD |
3.00 ARS | 0.00 USD |
4.00 ARS | 0.00 USD |
5.00 ARS | 0.00 USD |
6.00 ARS | 0.01 USD |
7.00 ARS | 0.01 USD |
8.00 ARS | 0.01 USD |
9.00 ARS | 0.01 USD |
10.00 ARS | 0.01 USD |
20.00 ARS | 0.02 USD |
30.00 ARS | 0.03 USD |
40.00 ARS | 0.04 USD |
50.00 ARS | 0.05 USD |
60.00 ARS | 0.05 USD |
70.00 ARS | 0.06 USD |
80.00 ARS | 0.07 USD |
90.00 ARS | 0.08 USD |
100.00 ARS | 0.09 USD |
US Dollar | Argentine Peso |
0.10 USD | 110.22 ARS |
0.20 USD | 220.44 ARS |
0.30 USD | 330.66 ARS |
0.40 USD | 440.87 ARS |
0.50 USD | 551.09 ARS |
0.60 USD | 661.31 ARS |
0.70 USD | 771.53 ARS |
0.80 USD | 881.75 ARS |
0.90 USD | 991.97 ARS |
1.00 USD | 1,102.19 ARS |
2.00 USD | 2,204.37 ARS |
3.00 USD | 3,306.56 ARS |
4.00 USD | 4,408.74 ARS |
5.00 USD | 5,510.93 ARS |
6.00 USD | 6,613.11 ARS |
7.00 USD | 7,715.30 ARS |
8.00 USD | 8,817.49 ARS |
9.00 USD | 9,919.67 ARS |
10.00 USD | 11,021.86 ARS |
20.00 USD | 22,043.71 ARS |
30.00 USD | 33,065.57 ARS |
40.00 USD | 44,087.43 ARS |
50.00 USD | 55,109.28 ARS |
60.00 USD | 66,131.14 ARS |
70.00 USD | 77,153.00 ARS |
80.00 USD | 88,174.85 ARS |
90.00 USD | 99,196.71 ARS |
100.00 USD | 110,218.57 ARS |
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