Online Scientific Calculator

How to use the Calculator

For using the Online Scientific Calculator enter the values and functions by clicking the mouse (desktop) or tapping the screen (mobile devices). Tip: keep your phone in vertical position (portrait) to make the most of the screen size!

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What is a Scientific Calculator?

A scientific calculator is a type of electronic calculator that is designed to perform advanced mathematical operations beyond basic arithmetic, such as logarithms, trigonometry, statistics, and calculus. They typically have a larger number of buttons and functions than a standard calculator, and may be programmable. Some scientific calculators also have advanced features such as symbolic manipulation, equation solving, and complex number arithmetic.

Calculator Usage

All these extra buttons allow you to work with various types of numbers and problems like these:

  • Trigonometry problems;
  • Scientific numbers that have a multiplication by 10 raised to a certain power;
  • π problems;
  • Base 10 logarithm problems and the natural base;
  • Probability problems that use the factorial function.

To use a scientific calculator, you will first need to become familiar with the layout of the calculator and the functions of its buttons. Most scientific calculators have a set of basic mathematical operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, as well as buttons for functions like square root, power, and reciprocals.

Here are some general steps for using a scientific calculator:

  1. Turn the calculator on by pressing the ON button.
  2. Enter the numbers and/or variables you want to perform operations on by using the calculator's numerical keypad.
  3. Use the appropriate function buttons to perform mathematical operations. For example, press the + button to add, the - button to subtract, the * button to multiply, and the / button to divide.
  4. To perform more advanced operations, such as logarithms or trigonometry, you will need to use the appropriate function buttons. For example, to take the natural logarithm of a number, you might press the log button. To calculate the sine of an angle, you would press the sin button.
  5. Some scientific calculator may have extra functional keys such as memory keys, shift key, etc. learn to use them when solving more complex problems.
  6. Use the equal (=) button to calculate and show the result.
  7. Turn the calculator off by pressing the OFF button when you are done.

Keep in mind that specific instructions will vary depending on the make and model of your scientific calculator, so it may be helpful to consult the calculator's manual or a guide for more information.

You can now use your calculator to help you solve trigonometry problems involving sine, cosine, tangent, their inverses, and their hyperbolic functions. When working with trigonometric values, you can switch calculations between degrees, radians, and grads. Also, you now have access to a button for π and Euler's constant, e. There are also buttons that allow you to easily calculate exponents to the second, third, or any other power.

When working with scientific numbers, there is an ''Exp'' button that allows you to enter scientific numbers quickly and easily. Engineering problems use exponents, logarithms, and scientific numbers. Also, all of these types of issues are often longer expressions that involve multiple steps to resolve manually. But with the use of a scientific calculator, you can now input the entire expression, hit the equals button, and the calculator will perform all the necessary calculations in the correct order. Yes, the scientific calculator calculates your problems following the order of operations.

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Use the tools and data obtained here for information purposes only! Before using the data provided here, check with other means, systems or calculators. Use at your own risk!

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